What is boudoir photography?
Boudoir sessions are tasteful photos that emphasize your sexy feminine side. Every person has their own idea of what sexy is, as well as, what they are comfortable with. These sessions are cute, fun, sexy, flirty and even a bit sensual, all the while maintaining your comfort level.
Who will be there during my session?
Our standard setup is the male photographer, and a female assistant. We will do what it takes to make you comfortable, so just let us know what we can do to make this experience more enjoyable. You may also bring a female friend if you wish, but we have found that no matter how close of a friend it is, you will be more nervous with her present in the same room.
Most other studios have a female photographer. I'm nervous...
It is true that most other studios have a female photographer, and at times, will use the fact that they're an all-female staff to make you feel safer. We can assure you that we are there for one purpose, and that's to ensure your safety, comfort level, and above all, maintain professionalism to ensure you have an unforgettable experience and photos that you will love.
Is there an advantage of having a male photographer?
Of course there is, but each person is different. Here are some things our clients have shared with us:
     "Not to say that females don't know what sexy looks like, but I thought it         would be better to have a male perspective since the shoot was for my               husband."
     "It felt more comfortable conveying sex appeal to a man than to a                 woman since that's what I'm used to."
What's most important is that you choose someone whom you are comfortable with. This is definitely an intimate experience, and trust in your photographer, male or female, is of the utmost importance to ensure an amazing session for you.
Do I have to bare it all?
You don’t have to take your clothes off to be sexy. Clothed, partially clothed, and hinted nudity can all be sexy. Let us know what you’re comfortable showing in your photos and trust us to keep the parts you want hidden to stay that way.
What should I wear?
Wear clothing that you feel sexy and beautiful in. Bras, panties, corsets, teddies, stockings, tank tops, booty shorts, sports jerseys & men’s business shirts are all popular. Don’t forget to have accessories for each of your outfits, as well as, your sexiest high heeled shoes.
What if I'm conscious about my body?
Our job is to emphasize the good, and minimize the less than perfect. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and every woman is sexy in their own way.
Will my photos be retouched?
That's completely up to you. If we do, your final photos will be retouched to remove unwanted blemishes, scars, etc. Although smooth skin is nice, you'll still look like YOU and not some plastic figure. We will go over what you may want removed beforehand.
Where will the photo session take place?
We find that having the session in your own home will help you relax and feel more comfortable. If you wish, a hotel room can be booked (at your cost) and the session can be done there.
Will my photos be published on your website?
All of the photos in our portfolio are of real people who have done a session with us. They have consented in writing to allow us to show them to you. We will not use your photos in any way unless we have your explicit written permission to do so.
I have another question...
Just give us a call, or send us an email through our contact page, and we'll get your questions answered.
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